About Rhinoplasty
Your nose is one of the most prominent features of your face, and if you’re unhappy with the size or shape of your nose, you may have thought about pursuing rhinoplasty, commonly called a nose job. Steven H. Schuster, MD, FACS, and Daniel S. Kovacs, MD, FACS, of Schuster Plastic Surgery in Boca Raton, Florida, have performed hundreds of rhinoplasty procedures and have perfected the techniques needed to transform your nose to achieve optimal balance with the rest of your facial features. Learn more with a face-to-face consultation, which you can book online or by phone today.
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What Is Rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty is a surgical procedure that changes the size and shape of your nose. It’s also one of the most common types of cosmetic surgery in the nation.
Commonly called a nose job, rhinoplasty can achieve the following results:
- Create a smaller nose
- Restore proper balance with the rest of your features
- Correct nasal asymmetry
- Alter a nose profile with humps or depressions
- Reduce the width of your nose at the bridge
- Correct a nasal tip that is bulbous, enlarged, upturned, or drooping
Not all rhinoplasty procedures are done for cosmetic purposes. Some men and women have a deviated septum that interferes with normal breathing. In these cases, a rhinoplasty may be covered by your health insurance.

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